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Road deaths in construction zones on the rise

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2020 | Car Accidents |

Road construction may cause you delays or confusion, but in some instances, navigating through construction zones may prove downright dangerous. Road deaths that occur in work zones are on the rise across the nation, raising important questions about how to better protect yourself as you travel through these areas.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration reports that while road fatalities, in general, have declined by 1.5% in recent years, the number of fatalities in construction zones has increased by 3%.

Hundreds of deaths

How often are Americans losing their lives while navigating through road construction? In 2017, 799 individuals lost their lives in work zone car wrecks, rising from 782 the year prior. Motorists and passengers in vehicles suffered the majority of work zone road deaths during both years. However, pedestrians, cyclists, construction workers and others also lost their lives in these incidents.

The speed factor

While speed is a frequent contributor to road deaths, drivers who speed through construction zones create even more of a hazard. Of the 799 fatal crashes that took place in work zones in 2017, 203 of them involved drivers speeding. The year prior, 194 of the 782 construction zone road deaths resulted from similar circumstances.

Safety tips

Road construction may prove unavoidable, but you may lower your chances of involvement in a work zone car crash by slowing down when approaching these areas. Tapping your brakes as you do so may help you alert other motorists about upcoming changes in the roadway, which may also decrease crash risks. Find more information on our webpage.

