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2 types of delayed car accident trauma to watch for

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2021 | Car Accidents |

Some motorists believe that the absence of pain or blood means they do not have injuries after crashing their vehicles. While that might seem valid for most, not all motor vehicle accident victims walk away from their ordeals unscathed. It is not uncommon for some car accident victims to have bruises, pain and other signs of physical trauma, several hours to days later.

Whether the onset of car accident injuries is immediate or within hours or days, proper medical attention is necessary. Here are two ways that injuries often show up after collisions.

Cause whiplash

The motions and forces in car accidents are enough to strain the tissues and muscles in the brain and spinal cord. The physical symptoms of whiplash are not always easy to discern from other types of mild to moderate head and neck injuries, but generally include dull or sharp pain to the area, muscle and ligament tension and a limited range of motion. The cognitive signs of whiplash include fogginess, sleep pattern and behavioral changes and dizziness.

Trigger chronic/existing conditions

Seniors and people with chronic pain conditions are at exceptional risk of serious trauma in motor vehicle accidents. Even low-speed collisions can reactivate old injuries and aggravate chronic or existing health ailments and cause sufferers to experience greater distress, discomfort and disruption to their overall well-being.

Medical care is necessary after collisions to rule out obvious severe or life-threatening injuries. Follow-up medical treatment in the days or weeks afterwards can aid in the discovery and treatment of missed or delayed car accident injuries.

