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Georgia work zone crash deaths doubled between 2014 and 2017

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2021 | Car Accidents |

Encountering road construction on your Georgia commute or in your leisure time may lead to frustrating delays, but it may also increase your chance of involvement in a potentially deadly car wreck. The number of individuals dying in Georgia’s work zones has increased in recent years, raising questions about what the state might do to help keep motorists safe in these areas.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, there were 52 road deaths in Georgia’s work zones in 2018. There were also 55 such deaths that occurred between 2014 and 2017, with the number of work zone traffic fatalities doubling within this span.

Work zone crash statistics

While road deaths in Georgia’s work zones are on the rise, so, too are the number of non-fatal crashes and crashes involving injuries occurring in these areas. In 2018 alone, the state saw 27,235 car wrecks take place in its work zones, and they resulted in 8,928 injuries.

Work zones wrecks and work zone crashes involving fatalities are also increasing at the national level. The number of fatal work zone wrecks across the nation rose 32% between 2013 and 2017, claiming 799 lives in total.

Work zone safety tips

The Georgia Department of Transportation recommends slowing your speed when you approach a work zone. You may also want to tap your brakes a few times to make sure drivers behind you know you plan to stop. Be sure, too, to obey all road crew directions and signage when navigating these areas.

If you know a work zone exists in a particular area, it may serve you well to give yourself extra time to take an alternate route.

